General Law

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Uncontested Family Law

*fee varies based on the complexity of the matter

Uncontested Child Support | Uncontested Custody | Uncontested Modification and Divorce

The best interests of the child are always the first and most important rule in any modification and custody/support discussion. Divorce does not have to be messy. Let’s find a middle ground.

Guardian ad Litem

A service where an attorney is appointed to assess and investigate the best interests of the child in cases such as dependency cases, juvenile cases, and pro ami hearings for children injured in a civil lawsuit.

Neena R Speer Law Firm - General Law Icon

General Law

*fee varies based on the complexity of the matter


Guardianship is focused on appointing someone who can provide personal care for someone who is a minor or unable to take care of themselves.


Conservatorship is focused on ensuring property and funds do not go to waste while the person they are making decisions for is incapacitated or still a minor.

Last Will & Testament

Last Will and Testament is the written instrument that devises beneficiaries with their property interest and after-life preparations as indicated by the person by the testator.

Probate Last Will & Testament

Probate Last Will and Testament is the process of validating and confirming the terms of the will so that all family members can have proper notice.

Small Claims

Small Claims is capped at $6,000 for the relief requested.

Podcast: I Miss You Dad: Family Law and Lost Loved Ones

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